Sparkling Matcha Mint cocktail
Create refreshing cocktails by adding matcha powder to your favourite beverages. It’s a great option for people who love fresh and unique flavours.
Get Reinvigorated with a Sparkling Red Berry Smoothie
Try our exclusive sparkling red berry smoothie recipe! A refreshing blend of berries with a sparkling twist that will revive your taste buds and give you a natural energy boost.
3 Unique Sparkling Cocktail Recipes to Warm Up Your Evenings!
It’s your turn! Check out our recipes and concoct unique drinks like the Cotton Candy mocktail, the Crazy-for-Strawberries Margarita, and the Appletini for your next event.
Crazy-for-Strawberries Margarita With Pomegranate Juice
Discover our unique Margarita recipe made with tequila, pomegranate juice, Fraise d’hiver strawberries, and blood oranges. Perfect to warm up your winter evenings.
Cotton Candy Mocktail: A Bubbly Alcohol-Free Delight
Our Cotton Candy Mocktail combines the sweetness of cotton candy with a fresh burst of sparkling water. Dive into this easy recipe and surprise your guests with a fun and unique drink!
Gin-Tea Cocktail Recipe: Your Ideal Partner for Summer Evenings
Learn to prepare the gin-tea cocktail, the perfect ally for your summer evenings. A refreshing blend of iced tea, gin and various fruits, this cocktail pairs perfectly with a good barbecue.